Pricing Insurance Risk Book Errata

Errata list of PIR. Report issues to

Stephen J. Mildenhall





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Other Errata

  • p. 20: Table 2.4 \(\mu\) for SCS should be \(-1.805\) not \(1.805\), making the mean severity 1
  • p. 24-5: line -1 and 1, Cat Hu is extremely skewed… though Cat Hu is thicker
  • p. 64 line 2: “Is corresponds” s/b “It corresponds”. (JAM)
  • p. 64 Figure 4.1 is created with \(\sigma=0.5\) not \(\sigma=1\) as written. (SJM)
  • p. 76: Example 54 says \(\mu=21.315\) but in fact \(\mu=19.005\) in order for severity to have a mean of USD 5B.
  • p. 85: The paper by Daníelsson and Jorgensen [1] does report that VaR is subadditive for log-concave distributions but this is not true, as the example of the sum of two exponential distributions at \(p=0.7\) shows (VaR of the exponential is 1.20, and the gamma sum is \(2.44 > 2 \times 1.2\)).
  • p. 88 algorithm step 6, s/b upper case \(X_n\), not lower. (JAM)
  • p. 93 line -3 should read: “…observe first that \(\Pr(X ≥ x_0) = 1-p\) is larger than it should be…” rather than \(\Pr(X ≥ x_0) = p\) is larger. (SJM)
  • p. 98 Exercise 72 part 2 should read \(\mathsf{CTE}_p <= \mathsf{CTE}^+_p <= \mathsf{TVaR}_p\). (AM)
  • p. 101 Display equation line 3, drop \(q(p)\); it is included in the integral. (JAM)
  • p. 123: in bottom displayed equation \(\rho=\min_x\{x + \mathcal V(X-s\}\) not the max as stated.
  • p. 244, Exercise 141 solution part 2, \(h(0.05) = 1-g(1-0.95) = 0.0203\) should say \(h(0.05) = 1-g(1-0.05) = 0.0203\).
  • p. 273 para above (11.2) s/b outcome-probability not event-outcome; after equation more natural than, not then. (SJ/JM)
  • p. 277 Ex 185 item 5, s/b “What conditions on \(p_0\), \(p_1\), …”. (JAM)
  • p. 372 Penultimate displayed is an expression for \(d\bar S_i/da\) not \(d \bar S/da\), i.e., add subscript \(i\).
  • p. 378 Eq (14.34) first line should read \(\bar M = \bar P_i - \bar S_i\), not \(\bar L_i\). (JAM)
  • p. 380 line 2 should read \(\beta_i(x) / \alpha_i(x) > 1 > S(x) / g(S(x))\), not \(g(S(x)) / S(x)\) which is always \(\le 1\). (AB)
  • p. 411 para 1, last sentence should read “Practical applications should…”
  • p. 413-15: there are two tables numbered 15.21. The one referenced in Exercise 273 is on p. 415, not 414.
  • p. 419: Note that the covariance premium is computed by calibrating and allocating the load using unlimited losses. The expected loss component is based on limited losses.



Dan??elsson, J., Jorgensen, B.N.B., Samorodnitsky, G., Sarma, M., De Vries, C.G., Daníelsson, J., Jorgensen, B.N.B.: Fat tails, VaR and subadditivity. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 172, 1–30 (2013).