Inverting Characteristic Functions Using FFTs

How to use FFTs to invert the characteristic function of a probability distribution.

Stephen J. Mildenhall





Image inspired by circular functions t\mapsto e^{-2\pi it} used in Fourier transforms.

Image inspired by circular functions te2πit used in Fourier transforms.


This post describes how to use FFTs to invert the characteristic function (ch f) of a probability distribution to recover the underlying distribution. This is a valuable technique for distributions such as the stable and Tweedie that have a closed form characteristic function but not probability density or cumulative probability funciton. It is also instructive to see how Fourier transforms and characteristic functions relate to FFTs.

The post is in five sections. Section 1 describes the algorithm and Section 2 describes the errors it may be introduce. Section 3 provides eight core examples, illustrating different behaviors and shows how to use the unwrap function recently added to aggregate. Section 4 lays out the background and theory in more depth. Section 5 adds more examples.

Abbreviations. Throughout the post: ch f is characteristic function, pdf and cdf the probability density and cumulative density function, ft (ift) the (inverse) Fourier transform, and FFT (IFFT) the (inverse) Fast Fourier Transform.

1 Algorithm

To invert a ch f using the FFT you must determine the effective support interval of the distribution, convert the ch f into a Fourier transform and sample it, invert the sample using the FFT, and finally translate the result to the desired support interval. Here are the details of the algorithm. Section 4.5 explains why it works.

Algorithm to Invert a Characteristic Function Using FFTs

  1. Inputs.
    1. The characteristic function ϕ(t) of a distribution F.
    2. An interval I=[xmin,xmax]R with F(xmax)F(xmin) close to 1.
    3. The number of samples n=2log2 for an integer log21.
  1. Computations.
    1. b=xrange/n=(xmaxxmin)/n, the discretization step size.
    2. fmax=1/b, the maximum sampling frequency.
    3. Sample the Fourier transform F^(t)=ϕ(2πt) at the points tl=lfmax/n for l=0,1,,n/2+1 to obtain a vector v=(F^(tl))l.
    4. Take the real IFFT of v to obtain a vector p=(p0,,pn1).
  1. Results. For k=0,,n1 (1)pkmZF((mn+k+1/2)b)F((mn+k1/2)b).

When condition (1.2) holds we say informally that I contains the effective support of X. The pk in Equation 1 are periodic, with period n. The condition in step (1.2) means that the effective support is contained in one period. The only trick is to match k to the desired x-scale. For that, it is best to select xmin as an integer multiple of b (automatically true when xmin=0), say xmin=m0b. Then Pr(X(xmin+(k1/2)b,xmin+(k1/2)b])=F((m0+k+1/2)b)F((m0+k1/2)b)pk. In turn (2)F((m0+k+1/2)b)F((m0+k1/2)b)f(m0+kb)b provided b is small enough, which gives an estimate of the density if it exists. The rationale behind these steps is laid out in Section 4. The value xmin is often known from the support of X. For example, it is 0 for any non-negative X such as the standard lognormal or gamma. If F can be computed, the inputs xmin and xmax can be determined as quantiles q(s) and q(1s) of F for small s.

Philosophical aside. There is a chicken-and-egg problem here: how to determine I if ϕ is known but not F? I can be input based on an inspired guess. If it is not given, the routine FourierTools.invert cheats by requiring F is given and then determines I using lower and upper quantiles. If you really don’t know F, then determine the maximum sampling frequency f so that |ϕ(2πf)| is very small (a ft always tends to zero as f). The inverse of the sampling frequency is a good choice for the discretization step size b=1/f. Then, determine n so that nb is large enough to contain all the features of the distribution, through a process of trial an error if necessary. In practice, you always know enough about F to estimate quantiles.

2 Errors

There are three sources of error in the FFT algorithm of Section 1.

  1. Aliasing error whereby the tail of X wraps around into I, Equation 1. We want pk=F((k+1/2)b)F(k1/2)b) but end up with mZF((mn+k+1/2)b)F(mn+k1/2)b). Aliasing is controlled by ensuring I is long enough to be the effective support, containing the preponderance of the probability. Since I has length P=nb, once b is selected aliasing is controlled by making n large enough.

  2. Discretization error results from replacing the original distribution with a discretized approximation, Equation 2. It is controlled by decreasing the bucket size b. The error comes from the difference between f(kb)b and F((k+1/2)b)F(k1/2)b). It manifests as a smearing of details: narrow spikes in F are lost. There is no discretization error for a discrete distribution when b=1.

  3. Truncation error results from replacing with fmaxfmax when the ft is inverted, because the algorithm uses a finite sample. Truncation error is rarely an issue because ft functions typically tend to zero quite quickly. Since fmax=1/b, truncation error normally occurs in conjunction with discretization error (b too large, fmax too small). However, it manifests differently, as negative probabilities

Table 1: Manifestation and cause of errors and corresponding examples.
Type of Error Manifestation Cause Examples
Aliasing Tails wrap around into body nb too small Section 3.2, Section 3.3, Section 3.6
Discretization Fine detail of F lost b too large
Truncation Negative probabilities f=1/b too small Section 3.5

3 Core examples

Python set up

Here is the Python code needed to run examples. The code relies on an up to date version of the aggregate package, available from GitHub and PyPi. This is standard programming nonsense.

from aggregate import __version__ as v
if v < '0.24.2':
    raise ValueError('Need aggregate v0.24.2 or later.\n'
      'Run pip install -U aggregate to update.')

from aggregate import build
from aggregate.extensions.ft import FourierTools, make_levy_chf

import scipy.stats as ss
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display

def my_ff(x):
  """My float formatter."""
    if x == int(x):
      return f'{x:,d}'
    elif abs(x) < 0.005:
      return f'{x:.5g}'
    elif abs(x) < 100:
      return f'{x:.3f}'
      return f'{x:,.0f}'
    return str(x)

pd.options.display.float_format = my_ff

    from greater_tables import qd
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print('Greater tables not found...using IPython.display.')
    qd = display
# qd = display

3.1 Basic example, Poisson distribution

The first example uses a Poisson with mean 10. The bucket size b=1 because the Poisson is discrete, and n=25=32 buckets, providing enough “space” to capture the full range of outcomes. There is no discretization error (already discrete) and imperceptible aliasing since Pr(N>32)=7.37×109. The distribution starts at xmin=0. The ch f of a Poisson with mean n is ϕ(t)=en(eit1), see Poisson distribution on Wikipedia. Throughout the post, ch f’s are taken from Wikipedia.

This, and all subsequent code blocks follows the same pattern. Create the FourierTools object, passing in the ch f and a scipy.stats distribution. The latter is used to estimate the effective support and plot the numerical results against the actual. The object method invert does the work, the code is shown below. The plot method produces the graphic.

en = 10
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.exp(en * (np.exp(1j * t) - 1)),
ft_obj.invert(log2=5, x_min=0)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
print(f'Pr(Po(10)>=32) = {ft_obj.fz.sf(32):.4f}')
Pr(Po(10)>=32) = 0.0000
Figure 1: Poisson, mean 10.

The six plots in Figure 1 show, clockwise from top left:

  1. The density created by Fourier inversion (solid blue) and the true density per scipy.stats (dashed red).
  2. Density on a log scale, to show possible differences in the tail more starkly. Here they agree over the entire range.
  3. The survival and cumulative distribution functions Pr(X>x) and Pr(Xx) respectively. The cdf is in blue and red, sf in green and purple; solid Fourier, dashed exact.
  4. The sampled Fourier transform. The blue line shows the actual transform, which usually decreases quickly to 0. The orange line shows F^/|F^| to show how the ft wraps around the origin.
  5. The amplitude (purple line, left log-scale) and phase (green, right scale) of the ft. The unwrapped phase tries to correct for the ft wrapping around the origin using np.unwrap.
  6. The log survival and cumulative distribution functions. A log version of the plot above it to make tail behavior more obvious.

The first four examples use a Poisson distribution for simplicity, but could equally use any other continuous distribution.

3.2 Poisson with aliasing

Here is a simple example of aliasing (wrapping), using the same Poisson with mean of 10 but only n=24=16 buckets. This is not enough space to contain the answer, and the right tail of the distribution wraps around and appears on the left as the uptick in the blue line in the first and second plots.

ft_obj.invert(log2=4, x_min=0)
# need to recompute because wraps works off actual
print(f'Pr(Po(10)>=16) = {ft_obj.fz.sf(16):.4f}')
Pr(Po(10)>=16) = 0.0270
Figure 2: Poisson, mean 10 with too few buckets introducing aliasing.

Figure 3 decomposes the aliasing. Clockwise from the top left:

  1. The Fourier result (blue), the exact result (red dashed) and the tail that wraps around (thin green).
  2. As first plot, but showing each result incrementally, and showing the tails in context. The vertical lines mark off the periods of width nb=P. The small gaps between the wrap segments have width b. They are visible only when b is large relative to n, as in this case where b=1 and n=16.
  3. Plot 2 on a log y scale, making it clear how the wraps are translated left into the first column.
  4. Plot 1 on a lot Y scale.

The second plot makes the source of the aliasing clear.

df = ft_obj.plot_wraps([1, 2], add_tail=True)
Figure 3: Aliasing, showing how different translates wrap-around.

3.3 Poisson with extreme aliasing

Figure 4 illustrates more extreme aliasing. It shows an attempt to model a compound Poisson distribution with a mean of 256 using only 32 buckets. The standard deviation is 16, and a normal approximation indicates the width of I should be at least 6×16=96 (for ±3σ). The result is the almost straight blue line, top left. The remaining plots are largely meaningless.

en = 256
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.exp(en * (np.exp(1j * t) - 1)),
ft_obj.invert(log2=5, x_min=0)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
print(f'99.99%ile of Po(10) is {ft_obj.fz.isf(0.0001)}')
99.99%ile of Po(10) is 318.0
Figure 4: Extreme aliasing, Poisson, mean 256, computed with only 32 samples.

The aliasing plot, Figure 5 top right, explains what is happening. The distribution “lives” between 6 and 9 translations of I=[0,32] to the right, i.e., between 192 and 320, but is not contained within any single I. Each vertical slice is translated back to the origin and added vertically giving the cumulative totals, on the top left.

df = ft_obj.plot_wraps([6, 7, 8, 9], add_tail=True)
# for ax in [ft_obj.last_fig.axes[1], ft_obj.last_fig.axes[3]]:
#   ax.set(xticks=ft_obj.x_min + np.arange(0, 11, 2) * ft_obj.x_max)
#   ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator(n=2))
Figure 5: Extreme aliasing produces nonsensical results, but the aliasing explains how they occur.

Table 2 shows the probabilities Pr(NI+kP) for k=6,7,8,9. None of the slices satisfies the condition in (1.2).

Table 2: Probabilities in each slice for Figure 5.
x0 x1 Pr(X≤x1) Pr(X≤x0) Pr(X in Wrap)
6 192 223 0.019 1.7241e-05 0.019
7 224 255 0.492 0.023 0.469
8 256 287 0.974 0.517 0.457
9 288 319 1.000 0.977 0.023

This example essentially reproduces Figure 1 in Mildenhall ().

3.4 Poisson with large mean

The case of a Poisson distribution with a very high mean is interesting because it shows that Fourier methods do not need space for the whole distribution, just its effective support. We can use periodicity to translate the answer to the correct outcome range. This example reproduces a Poisson with mean 10,280. The standard deviation is about 100 and the effective support of the distribution (using the normal approximation) is about [9750,10550]. Thus, a satisfactory approximation can be obtained with only 210=1024 buckets. The second plot shows a very slight aliasing on the left.

en = 10280
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.exp(en * (np.exp(1j * t) - 1)),
ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=9750)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 6: Poisson, mean 10280, computed using only 1024 buckets by shifting.

Adjusting this example to set x_min=0 shows its effect. Figure 6 uses xmin=9750. Setting xmin=0 results in Figure 7. It is clear that the density could be sliced vertically and the pieces rearranged to produce the correct density, c.f., Figure 5 top left.

ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=0)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 7: Poisson, mean 10280, computed using only 1024 without shifting.

Figure 7 essentially reproduces Figure 2 in Mildenhall ().

3.5 Gamma with frequency-domain truncation error

This example uses too few buckets, resulting in b being too large and fmax too small and hence producing discretization error and truncation error. The truncation of the Fourier integral (replacing with fmaxfmax) introduces negative probabilities, Figure 8 top left and Table 3: there is no way for negative probabilities to occur from aliasing or discretization error. The example uses a gamma distribution with shape 2.

alpha = 2
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - 1j * t) ** -alpha,
       fz=ss.gamma(alpha, loc=0)
ft_obj.invert(log2=4, x_min=0)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 8: Gamma, shape α=2, with only 16 buckets. Truncation error introduces negative probabilities.
Table 3: Negative probabilities caused by truncation of the Fourier integral.
10.732 -0.028
16.097 -0.012
21.463 -0.0012877
24.146 -0.0038174
29.512 -0.015
34.878 -0.035
40.244 -0.098

3.6 Stable distributions

The method described in this post has a practical application approximating members of the important stable family of distributions (), which are otherwise hard to compute in other ways. In fact, the scipy.stats stable class recently implemented FFT approximations, though these are considered experimental. FFT and other methods of computation are discussed in Mittnik et al. () and Wang and Zhang (). The latter is implemented and discussed in Section 4.6.

Stable distributions are determined by two shape parameters: a(0,2) and skewness b[1,1]. The normal is the limit as a2. The skewness has the same sign as b, increases with |b|, and b=0 is symmetric. Two well-known examples are the Cauchy distribution when a=1, and the Lévy stable distribution when a=1/2 and b=0. These are the only cases with a simple pdf or cdf. Stable distributions are all thick tailed with Pr(X>x)1xα, meaning smaller a results in thicker tails. If a1 or b(1,1), then the distribution is supported R. If a<1 and b=1 (resp. b=1) the support is (,0) (resp. (0,)). Because of the thick tails, aliasing error is always present to some extent, calling for a large n. At the same time, the distributions are quite peaked, calling for a small b. They represent a difficult case for FFTs.

We can look at the ch f to determine a reasonable bucket size by determining f so |F^(f)| is small (). There is no magic way to determine the number of buckets: that requires the quantile function or trial and error. Table 4 shows the calculation to estimate 1/b for a negatively skewed (b=1) Cauchy.

a, b = 1., -1.
levch = make_levy_chf(a, b)
# find bs: look for where levch(1/bs) is small
test = np.arange(0, 11)
  'b': 1 / test,
  '1/b': test,
  'abs ft': np.abs(levch(-2 * np.pi * test))}
Table 4: Determining the bucket size for a negatively skewed Cauchy distribution.
b abs ft
0 inf 1
1 1 0.0018674
2 0.500 3.4873e-06
3 0.333 6.5124e-09
4 0.250 1.2162e-11
5 0.200 2.2711e-14
6 0.167 4.2412e-17
7 0.143 7.9201e-20
8 0.125 1.479e-22
9 0.111 2.762e-25
10 0.100 5.1579e-28

The first example is a negatively skewed Cauchy, a=1 and b=1. Table 5 shows some quantiles for this thick-tailed, negatively skewed distribution.

a = 1.
b = -1.
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
ft_obj.invert(log2=12, x_min=-100, bs=1/32)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 9: Cauchy stable distribution with a=1 and b=1.
# quantiles
qd(pd.DataFrame([(p, ft_obj.fz.ppf(p)) for p in
                    [0.001, 0.01, 0.99, 0.999]],
                columns=['p', 'quantile']).set_index('p'))
Table 5: Quantiles for the Cauchy stable distribution with a=1 and b=1.
0.001 -313.
0.010 -66.021
0.990 1.628
0.999 1.961

Figure 10 shows the same results with a much wider range of outcomes. The numeric approximation produces non-zero answers only down to about -316.

a = 1.
b = -1.
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
ft_obj.invert(log2=12, x_min=-1000, bs=0.25)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 10: Cauchy stable distribution with a=1 and b=1 with a wider x range.

Figure 11 shows a thinner tailed, positively skewed example.

a = 1.75
b = 0.3
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
ft_obj.invert(log2=12, x_min=-50, x_max=100)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 11: Stable distribution with a=1.75 and b=0.3.

Figure 11 shows a thicker tailed, positively skewed example. This example exhibits considerable aliasing to the right because xmin is too small. This is decomposed in Figure 13, especially the lower right plot.

log2 = 12
a = 0.75
b = 0.3
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=-100, x_max=1000)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 12: Stable distribution with a=0.75 and b=0.3.
ft_obj.plot_wraps([-1, 1,2], add_tail=True);
Figure 13: Decomposition of aliasing for Figure 14.

Figure 14 uses the same distribution with a much tighter range [10,10) vs. [100,1000). This allows a much smaller b which resolves the shape of the mode at 0 better, but suffers more aliasing on both sides Figure 15. The aliasing can be partially addressed using Simpson’s rule, see Section 4.6.

a = 0.75
b = 0.3
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b)
ft_obj2 = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
df = ft_obj2.invert(log2=log2, x_min=-10, x_max=10, s=5e-2)
FourierTools(levy_stable(0.75, 0.3), loc=0.0, scale=1)
n=4096, x_min=-10, x_max=10, bs=0.00488
Figure 14: Stable distribution with a=0.75 and b=0.3, with small range.
ft_obj2.plot_wraps([-1, 1], add_tail=True);
Figure 15: Decomposition of aliasing for Figure 14.

3.7 Tweedie with Aggregate

This example uses the Tweedie distribution, a Poisson-gamma compound. It is a member of the power-variance function family of exponential distributions and appears commonly as a mixed error distribution in GLM modeling, see Jørgensen () and McCullagh and Nelder (). First, create a Tweedie from its definition with gamma shape a=20 and scale sc=1, and expected frequency en=20 as using aggregate. The expected mean is 200. The example also illustrates using an Aggregate object in place of a scipy.stats frozen distribution as the reference. Table 6 creates the Aggregate object and displays distribution statistics.

a = 20.
sc = 1.
en = 10
fz = build(f'agg Tw {en} claims sev {sc} * gamma {a} poisson')
qd(fz.describe.iloc[:, [0,3,6]])
Table 6: Statistics for Tweedie distribution.
E[X] CV(X) Skew(X)
Freq 10 0.316 0.316
Sev 20.000 0.224 0.447
Agg 200. 0.324 0.339

The Tweedie has multiple parameterizations. aggregate provides a (horrible, sorry) function tweedie_convert to translate between them.

from aggregate import tweedie_convert
tc = tweedie_convert(λ=en, α=a, β=sc)
Table 7: Alternative parameterizations of the Tweedie.
μ 200
p 1.048
σ^2 16.317
λ 10
α 20
β 1
tw_cv 0.324
sev_m 20
sev_cv 0.224
p0 4.54e-05

aggregate also provides a tweedie keyword to create an Aggregate directly. It takes the parameters mean, p, and dispersion (σ2) parameters. This version is updated numerically and Table 8 compares the expected and numerical mean, CV, and skewness, showing a very close match.

mu = tc.μ
p = tc.p
dispersion = tc['σ^2']
tweedie_agg = build(f'agg TwKW tweedie {mu} {p} {dispersion}')
Table 8: Tweedie in aggregate using the tweedie keyword and alternative parameterization.
E[X] Est E[X] Err E[X] CV(X) Est CV(X) Err CV(X) Skew(X) Est Skew(X)
Freq 10 NaN NaN 0.316 NaN NaN 0.316 NaN
Sev 20.000 20.000 2.2204e-15 0.224 0.224 5.0862e-07 0.447 0.447
Agg 200. 200. 8.8818e-15 0.324 0.324 2.422e-08 0.339 0.339

Since Aggregate objects have cdf and related methods they can be used as frozen objects and passed into FourierTools. The manual ch f is easy to derive from those of the Poisson and gamma. Figure 16 shows a good match.

tweedie_chf = lambda t: np.exp( en * ((1 - sc * 1j * t) ** -a - 1) )
ft_obj = FourierTools(
ft_obj.invert(log2=12, x_min=0, bs=1/4)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 16: Tweedie distribution, mean 200.

Users are sometimes surprised at the form of the Tweedie. As p1 it becomes a continuous approximation to a Poisson distribution, except for the mass at zero. This leads to a wildly oscillating density. Figure 17 shows the FFT method is up to the task! It also illustrates the use of FourierTools without passing a distribution object. In this case, we know from the description of the Tweedie that the mean is 20 and that the distribution will be close a Poisson with the same mean. That is enough to estimate an appropriate bucket size. The example uses a very small bucket size to capture the details of the density.

en = 20.
p = 1.001
a = (2 - p) / (p - 1)
sc = 1 / a
tweedie_chf = lambda t: np.exp( en * ((1 - sc * 1j * t) ** -a - 1) )
ft_obj = FourierTools(
ft_obj.invert(log2=16, x_min=0, bs=1/1024)
ax = ft_obj.df.p.plot(figsize=(4,2.75), lw=.5, ls='-')
Figure 17: Tweedie distribution with mean 20 and p close to 1, a continuous approximation to the Poisson—computed with FFTs!

3.8 Compound Poisson with discrete severity

This section shows how to create a compound Poisson with a discrete severity Pr(X=xk)=pk. When the expected claim count equals λ, the compound ch f is given by ϕ(t)=E[eitA]=E[E[eitAN]]=E[E[eitX]N]=E[eNlogE[eitX]]=MN(log(ϕX(t)))=exp(λ(ϕX(t)1)). This formula is implemented as chf in the code below.

Here is an example with λ=2, outcomes 1,2,10 with probabilities 5/8,1/4,1/8. Since all jumps are integers b=1 is appropriate. Table 9 shows the compound statistics.

log2 = 7
# outcomes and probabilities
xs = np.array([1, 2, 10])
ps = np.array([.625, .25, .125])
en = 2.
# build aggregate object
fz = build(f'agg eg2 {en} claims dsev {xs} {ps} poisson',
           bs=1, padding=0, log2=log2)
# check moments
Table 9: Discrete severity compound statistics.
E[X] Est E[X] Err E[X] CV(X) Est CV(X) Err CV(X) Skew(X) Est Skew(X)
Freq 2 NaN NaN 0.707 NaN NaN 0.707 NaN
Sev 2.375 2.375 0 1.226 1.226 0 2.176 2.176
Agg 4.750 4.750 -8.8818e-16 1.119 1.119 2.6645e-15 1.700 1.700

Figure 18 shows the approximation. The distribution is multimodal and it is is fit very precisely over a wide range of outcomes.

def chf(t):
    sev_phi = ps @ np.exp( 1j * (np.atleast_2d(t) * np.atleast_2d(xs).T))
    return np.where(t==0, 1., np.exp(en * (sev_phi - 1)))
ft_obj = FourierTools(
ft_obj.discrete = False
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=0, x_max=1<<log2)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
dfe = ft_obj.df_exact
Figure 18: Discrete aggregate fit well with FFT inversion.

3.9 Unwrapping with Aggregate

The Aggregate class includes an unwrap method to shift a compound distribution to the correct location. This is helpful when working with large expected claim counts with a bounded severity. Figure 19 illustrates for a compound, Poisson claim count mean 250 and severity uniform on 1,2,,11. The mean is 1500=250×(1+11)/2, the CV 7%, and standard deviation about 105, Table 10. The distribution is recreated using only 29=512 buckets and b=1.

Without shifting the pmf (Figure 19 left) appears to produce nonsense output. Slicing and rearranging produces the correct output (right).

en = 250
apo = build(f'agg PoBig {en} claims dsev[1:11] poisson',
            bs=1, log2=9, padding=0)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(4.0, 2.0),
            constrained_layout=True, sharey=True)
ax0, ax1 = axs.flat

apo.density_df.p_total.plot(ax=ax0, label='aggregate')
ax0.set(title='Raw aggregate', xlabel='x', ylabel='pmf')

ans = apo.unwrap(p=1e-1)
ax1.set(title='Unwrapped aggregate', xlabel='x');
Figure 19: Unwrapping an aggregate distribution using Aggregate.unwrap.
Table 10: Aggregate distribution statistics.
E[X] Est E[X] Err E[X] CV(X) Est CV(X) Err CV(X) Skew(X) Est Skew(X)
Freq 250 NaN NaN 0.063 NaN NaN 0.063 NaN
Sev 6 6.000 -3.3307e-16 0.527 0.527 1.1102e-15 0 -1.7975e-15
Agg 1,500 289. -0.808 0.071 0.608 7.507 0.080 -0.403

4 Technical Background

4.1 Context and literature

Complaint. It is the most natural thing in the world to decompose an oscillating electrical signal into sines and cosines of various frequencies via the Fourier transform - but probabilities, no. Basically, these are positive numbers adding up to 1, and what have sines and cosines to do with that? Indeed, in many applications done first by Fourier, a simpler, more understandable proof may emerge upon taking Fourier away. Still, the Fourier transform is a very effective, sometimes indispensable technical tool in much of our business here. ()

Henry P. McKean, Jr. (1930 – 2024) was an American mathematician at the Courant Institute in New York University. He co-authored the famous book “Diffusion processes and their sample paths” with Kioshi Itô.

Fourier transforms and the Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) are magic and mysterious and their application to probability is odd (McKean quote) yet extremely effective―providing proofs of the central limit and Lévy-Khinchin theorems and a practical way to add (convolve) distributions, among other uses.

There are many treatments of fts and FFTs in the literature. Brigham () is a very helpful reference providing great diagrams to show what is going on; Section 4.4 follows it closely. He develops the continuous and discrete transforms together and explains the connection in Section 6. He refers back to Papoulis (), who has an interesting appendix on distributions. Körner () is good for historical context and details such as swapping the order of integration. Terras () is good for mathematical context. Grafakos () provides a modern mathematical view, developed further in Grafakos (). He has also recently released Grafakos (). Going hardcore, try Hewitt and Ross ().

Mildenhall (2024) provides technical background on using FFTs to compute aggregate distributions whereas this article mostly focuses on simpler parametric distributions such as the gamma or normal. Figures equivalent to 1 and 2 in the paper are recreated here in Section 3.3 and Figure 7. The Aggregate help contains similar examples and more background, again focused on aggregate distributions.

Notation. We use b for the discretization bucket size, but it is often written h in other references.

4.2 Characteristic functions and Fourier transforms

The ch f ϕ of random variable X having cdf F is given by (3)ϕ(t)=E[exp(itX)]=eitxdF(x). If X is continuous and has a density f this is the same as ϕ(t)=eitxf(x)dx. Equation 3 also works when X is discrete or mixed. The ch f is related to the moment generating function M(t)=E[exp(tx)]=ϕ(it). It has the advantage of always existing. The Cauchy distribution, which is thick-tailed on the left and the right, has no MGF.

The Fourier transform (ft) of a distribution function F is usually written F^ and is given by (4)F^(t)=e2πitxdF(x). Some authors omit the scaling factor 2π which introduces constants to the integrals. The ft is related to the ch f by F^(t)=ϕ(2πt).

The ch f and ft both contain the same information as the distribution function. The inverse transform (5)F(t)=e2πitxF^(t)dt. is valid at points where F is continuous.

The ft is useful in probability theory because it translates (difficult) convolution into (easy) multiplication. Computing the distribution of a sum of independent random variables (convolution of distributions) is complicated because you have to consider all different ways an outcome can be split. The ft works like exponentiation, which turns (difficult) multiplication into (easy) addition: ea×eb=ea+b. Likewise, the ft translate convolution of distributions into multiplication of fts. If Xi are independent random variables, X=X1+X2, and FX is the distribution of X, then F^X1+X2(t)=F^X1(t)×F^X2(t), where the right-hand side is a product of functions. Thus we can convolve as: X, Y+X+YftiftF^X, F^Y×F^X+Y. Of course, this is only useful if it is easy to compute the ft and its inverse—which is where FFTs come in. The FFT is an extremely quick way to compute discrete fts.

4.3 Example Fourier transform

Define f(x)={Ax(x0,x0)A/2x=x0,x00x[x0,x0]. Then f^(t)=e2πixtf(x)dx=x0x0Ae2πixtdx=Ae2πixt2πit|x0x0=Asin2πtx0πt. The zeros of the ft are at (1/2x0)Z as x0 varies. As f becomes more spread (larger x0) so f^ becomes more concentrated around 0. In the simple case A=1 and x0=a/2π f^(t)=sinatπt. These properties are illustrated in Figure 20. Imagining the limit as x0 makes it clear that the δ function (Section 4.7) and the constant function are transforms. This example is important because fL1(R) (is absolutely integrable) but f^ is not because |f^| is not integrable, which shows that the ft is not a mapping from L1(R)L1(R).

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(2 * 3, 2.25),
ax0, ax1 = axs.flat

xs = np.linspace(-3, 3, 1001)
ts = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1001)

for x0 in [1, .5, .25, ][::-1]:
    A = 1
    ys = np.where(np.abs(xs) <= x0, A, 0)
    ax0.plot(xs, ys, lw=1, drawstyle='steps-mid', label=f'width {2 * x0}')
    fty = np.where(ts==0, A * 2 * x0,
      A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x0 * ts) / (np.pi * ts))
    ax1.plot(ts, fty, label=f'x0 = {x0}', lw=1)
ax0.set(title='Function: space or outcome', xlabel='$x$', ylabel='$f(x)$')
ax1.set(title='Transform: frequency', xlabel='$t$', ylabel='$\\hat f(x)$');
Figure 20: Function (left) and its ft (right). As the function becomes more concentrated (peaked), the ft becomes more diffuse, and vice versa, illustrating the uncertainty principle.

4.4 Continuous, discrete and fast transforms

There are three things going on when moving from a continuous ft function to discrete FFT:

  1. Replacing continuous functions with discrete samples by sampling.
  2. Truncate limits in the integrals defining the ft to create finite samples.
  3. Computing the fts using the Fast Fourier transform algorithm.

A continuous distribution F can be approximated with a step distribution that takes the constant value (F((k1/2)b)F((k+1/2)b))/b on the interval [(k1/2)b)F((k+1/2)b)). By Taylor series, F((k1/2)b)F((k+1/2)b)bf(kb). Here b is the discretization step-size, which we call the bucket size, and kZ. Discrete approximations arise naturally when estimating F from a finite sample, for example.

Likewise, a discrete Fourier transform is a discrete approximation to the continuous fts, formed by sampling it at evenly spaced points. The DFT is a sequence, rather than a function. It retains the convolution property of fts. For real valued vectors, DFTs are sometimes called discrete cosine transforms (DCT). Sampling can arise from replacing an integral with its Riemann sum approximation.

The DFT is a sequence. To be practical a computer, we can only work with finite length vectors, leading to the second step: truncation. Truncation comes about by replacing infinite limits in an integral by finite limits. This is justified because the integrand is very small.

The finite DFT is the least mysterious things we deal with: it is given by simple matrix multiplication: a n×1 sample vector is multiplied by the n×n matrix (ωij)i,j, ω=exp(2πi/n), of nth roots of unity.

Third, it is the Fast Fourier transform that makes this a practical approach. The trick with FFTs is how they are compute DFTs, exploiting various symmetries in cunning way. The details are explained in many references, but see Mildenhall () for one in an actuarial context.

The first two steps are independent of the FFT implementation. General usage can blur the distinction between discrete fts and their computation, and use FFT as a catchall for both.

4.5 Sampling: from continuous to discrete transforms

This section is key to explaining Section 1. We want to create a sample from a distribution by using the FFT to invert a sample of the continuous ft. The samples are all equally spaced, so start by supposing the distribution will be sampled using n buckets of size b. How to select n and b is described later. Set P=nb. To start, we can evaluate f(kb) using the continuous ift. Let’s see what happens if we try to evaluate that continuous integral by discretizing and truncating. f(kb)=e2πikbtf^(t)dtdefinition1PlZe2πikb(l/nb)f^(l/P)discretize, 1/P1Pl=n/2n/21e2πinklf^(l/P)truncate=1Pl=n/2n/21e2πinkle2πix(l/P)f(x)dxdefinition1Pl=0n1e2πinklbjZe2πi(jb)(l/nb)f(jb)discretize, b=1nl=0n1e2πinkljZe2πinjlf(jb)simplify=1njZf(jb)l=0n1e2πin(kj)lrearrange=mZf(kb+mn)geometric series=fP(kb)periodic version.

The first three lines relate f(kb) to the IFFT (third step). Notice it is just the matrix product of the n×n matrix (ωkl)k,l and the n×1 vector (f^(l/P))l. Here ω=exp(2πi/n) is an nth root of unity, meaning ωn=1. The fast part converts the matrix product you expect to take of the order of n2 operations into one taking only nlog2(n). The rest of the derivation figures out what the IFFT actually computes, which turns out to be the periodic version of f (last row) defined by fP(x)=kf(x+kP). If f actually has finite support contained in [0,P), then fP=f. If that is not the case there will be aliasing, a wrapping spill-over of values.

The logic of the each step is as follows. The two discretize steps use Riemann sum, with dx equal to 1/P and b respectively. The truncate step is justified by f^(t) falling off quickly t. The rearrange step swaps a finite and infinite sum, which is always legitimate (finite sum of lim is lim of sums). The geometric series step uses two properties of roots of unity. First, 1+ω++ωn1=1ωn1ω=0. Second, if 1ln1, then (ωl)n=(ωn)l=1 and ωl+ω2l++ω(n1)l=1ωln1ω=0. Third, if l=jn, then ωl=(ωn)j=1 and 1+ωl++ω(n1)l=1++1=n.

While both the ft and ift are discretized, truncation applies only to the first ift step. The ft wraps and produces aliasing in the penultimate step, which is still over an infinite sum.

It is an important fact, known as Poisson’s Summation Formula, that f and fP have the same ft: f^(l/P):=e2πix(l/P)f(x)dx=kZkP(k+1)Pe2πix(l/P)f(x)dx=kZ0Pe2πi(x+kP)(l/P)f(x+kP)dx=0Pe2πix(l/P)kZf(x+kP)dx!!=0Pe2πix(l/P)fP(x)dx=fP^(l/P). The step marked !! requires kP times the argument of f^, i.e., l/P, to be an integer, hence the choice of argument in the first line. It then follows from the Fourier inversion formula for series that fP(x)=lf(x+lP)=le2πilxf^P(l)=le2πilxf^(l).

The formulaic derivation as the start of this section is illustrated nicely in Figure 21 from Brigham (). The steps are:

  1. Start with h (our F) on the left and its ft H (our F^) on the right.
  2. Sample using the shah-function, a sequence of impulses, Section 4.9. This function is self-dual.
  3. The third step is the product of the first two.
  4. Truncate by multiplying by a rectangular function on the left.
  5. Product of c and d.
  6. Sample on the ft side.
  7. Product of e and f.
Figure 21: Graphical development of the discrete Fourier transform ()

4.6 Simpson’s Rule

The accuracy of the FFT method can be improved by using Simpson’s rule in the Riemann sum approximations, an idea suggested by Wang and Zhang (). This is useful for the stable distribution, where the approximation can be poor in the tails, see the examples in Section 3.6. To start, assume xmin=0. Recall P=nb and the maximum sampling frequency is 1/b. The standard approach uses the simplest approximation to the integral f(kb)=e2πikbtf^(t)dt1Pl=n/2n/21e2πikl/nf^(l/P). The sum is then computed as the IFFT of the vector (f^(l/P))l. This approximation corresponds to taking the left-hand value in each sub-interval of the Riemann sum. Equally, we could take the right-hand value, or average the two (trapezoid rule). Or, we could use Simpson’s rule that averages the left, middle, and right values, estimating abf(x)dxba6(f(a)+4f((a+b)/2)+f(b)). This can be used in the derivation, after making adjustments both before and after taking the IFFT. In the general case, where xmin0, we are trying to calculate for k=0,,n fh(xmin+kb)1Pl=n/2n/21e2πi(xmin+kb)(l+h)/nbf^(l/P)=e2πixminh/Pe2πikh/n1Pl=n/2n/21e2πikl/n(e2πixminl/Pf^(l/P))=e2πixminh/P(e2πikh/nIFFT(e2πixminl/Pf^(l/P))) with h=0,1/2,1 corresponding to left, middle, and right hand Simpson’s terms. In the last row, the first term on the right only depends on h. The next term is a component-by-component product of vectors depending on k. Likewise, the argument to IFFT is a component-by-component product of vectors indexed by l. The three estimates f0,f1/2,f1 are then weighted down as vectors fs16(f0+f1/2+f1) to obtain the Simpson inverse approximation. Using Simpson’s rule produces materially estimates for the stable, as Figure 22 shows.

a = 1.75
b = .25
log2 = 12
x_min = -200
fz = ss.levy_stable(a, b, loc=0)# x_min / 2)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=make_levy_chf(a, b),
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_min + (1 << log2) / 8)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
(a) Inverting the ft to obtain pdf and cdf.
(b) Comparison of basic and Simpson method density, showing considerable improvement in the tails. The orange exact p line is limited by the numerical implementation on the right.
Figure 22: Stable distribution example using Simpson’s rule method.

4.7 Dirac delta functions

This subsection and the remainder of this section provides more general background on fts.

It is helpful to have a “function” with the properties δ(tt0)=0, tt0δ(tt0)dt=1. Such functions emerge as limits. They are called impulse or delta functions. Papoulis () discusses two other properties: they can be a limit of functions satisfying fn(t)dt=1limnfn(t)=0  t0, or have the property that δ(t)ϕ(t)dt=ϕ(0).

The delta function δ(t) is a so-called distribution assigning to the test function ϕ(t) the number ϕ(0). Test functions can be continuous with finite support and continuous derivatives of all order. δ defines a continuous linear functional on the set of test functions that is sometimes written using inner-product notation (δ,ϕ)=δ(t)ϕ(t)dt=ϕ(t). Because of the range of the integral, we can change variables to see δ(tt0)ϕ(t)dt=δ(s)ϕ(s+t0)ds=ϕ(t0) which Brigham calls the sifting property, as in sifting out a single value—not shifting! Similarly δ(at)=1|a|δ(t). The product of δ and a function h continuous at t=t0 is (δh,ϕ)=(δ,hϕ). You have problems with the associativity: (1xx)δ=δ but 1x(xδ)=1x0=0. (). The convolution is δ1(tt1)δ2(tt2)=δ(t(t1+t2)).

Given a sequence gn of distributions, if there is a distribution g so that for all test functions ϕ limngn(t)ϕ(t)dt=g(t)ϕ(t)dt then say g(t)=limngn(t). Likewise with ordinary functions fn, if limnfn(t)ϕ(t)dt=ϕ(0) for all test functions, then δ(t)=limnfn(t).

The Riemann-Lebegue lemma says that if ϕ is absolutely integrable on (a,b), where a,b are finite or infinite constants, then limωabe2πiωtϕ(t)dt=0.

( Eq I.47) shows δ(t)=limωsinωtπt. To see this, it suffices to show (6)limωsinωtπtϕ(t)dt=ϕ(0) for continuous, bounded variation ϕ. Split the integral into three, the middle one an interval (ϵ,ϵ) around 0. The left and right parts are zero by Riemann-Lebesgue. In the middle interval ϕ(t)ϕ(0) provided ϵ is small enough. Then ϵϵsinωtπtϕ(t)dtϕ(0)ϵϵsinωtπtdtϕ(0)ϵωϵωsintπtdt (note that dt/t is scale invariant Haar-measure on R×). Since (7)sinxπxdx=1 the result follows. This integral is an application of contour integration applied to ez/z along a half annulus sliced vertically that skirts round the origin, ( , II.57).

The highly suspect looking result cosωtdω=2πδ(t) can be interpreted to sensibly if the LHS is regarded as limWWWcosωtdω=limW2sinRtt=2πδ(t).

4.8 Approximate identities

Grafakos () Section 1.9 describes that the “futile search” for f0L1(R) so that f0f=f for all fL1(R) leads to the notion of approximate identities, a family of functions Kδ on R so that:

  1. c>0:KδL1c δ>0.
  2. RKδ(y)dy=1  δ>0.
  3. γ>0:|y|>γKδ(y)dy=1 as δ0.

If K is integrable with integral 1 then Kδ(x)=K(x/δ)/δ is an approximate identity. K(x)=(π(x2+1))1 is the Poisson kernel. For an approximate identity, Kδff as δ0 in Lp, 1p<, and if, in addition, f is uniformly continuous in a neighborhood of ) then this is also true for p=. The proof of this is a bit of work and is key to Fourier inversion. It uses the approximate identity Kδ(x)=1δeπδ2x2.

4.9 The Shah Function

Recall Equation 6 limωsintπtϕ(t)dt=ϕ(0) and therefore δ(t)=limωsinωtπt

The shah or sampling function is defined as шb(t)=kδ(tkb). It is like an equally likely selection from the integers! Terras () says the name reflects the graph, a series of spikes. It can be understood from Figure 23, which shows convergents of the sum f(t)=k=nncos(2πkt) for n=1,,6. Each term adds two δ functions, per Equation 8.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(2 * 2, 3 * 1.5),
f0 = 1.
ts = np.linspace(-.5, 2.5, 201)
ys = np.ones_like(ts)
ylim = [-2, 12]
for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flat):
    ys += 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * ts * f0 * (i  + 1))
    ax.plot(ts, ys, lw=1)
    # ax.axhline(0, lw=.25, c='k')
    # ax.axvline(0, lw=.25, c='k')
    ax.set(ylim=ylim, xticklabels=["", "", "T", "2T"],
           yticklabels=["", "", "5", "10"])
    # Move axes to cross at (0,0)
    # Remove top and right spines
    # Ensure ticks appear correctly
Figure 23: The derivation of the Shah function, following ().

The ft of f(x)=cos(2πωx) is (δ(t1)+δ(t+1))/2 because (8)f^(t)=e2πixtcos(2πωx)dx=12e2πixt(e2πiωx+e2πiωx))dx=12e2πix(tω)+e2πix(t+ω)dx=12cos(2πx(tω))+cos(2πx(t+ω))dx=12(sin(2πx(tω))2π(tω)|+sin(2πx(t+ω))2π(t+ω)|)=12(limRsin(2πR(tω))π(tω)+limRsin(2πR(t+ω))π(t+ω))=12(δ(tω)+δ(t+ω)) using the fact that the function cos is even and sin is odd.

The ft of ш is ш^b=kδ^(tkb)=1bш1/b

Multiplying a distribution by ш creates sampled distribution: fb(t)=f(t)×шb(t)=kpkδ(tkb). The sampled distribution has ft fb^=fшb^=f^ш^b=1bf^ш1/b. Compare, second discretizing steps in Section 4.5.

4.10 Code

The code for FourierTools.invert is shown below. It reveals how the arguments are selected when not passed explicitly. It is designed for loss distributions that usually start at 0. The variable self refers to an object that knows the ch f and has a variable fz providing the standard probability functions.

The effective range of X is xrange=xmaxxmin. The discretization bucket size is (9)b=xrangen=xmaxxminn. The highest sampled frequency is fmax=1b since wavelength is the reciprocal of frequency (if you sample every 1/4 step, then you sample four times per step). If X is discrete and takes integer values, it is best to require that xmin and xmax are integers and xmax=xmin+n, resulting in b=1. It is usually preferable to input bs and let x_max fallout.

def invert(self, log2, x_min=0, bs=0, x_max=None, s=1e-17):
    # number of buckets
    self.log2 = log2
    n = 1 << log2
    if x_min is None:
        # use quantile function if not given x_min
        x_min = self.fz.ppf(s)
    if bs == 0:
        if self.discrete:
            # force bs = 1
            x_max = x_min + n
            # use quantile function is not given x_max
            x_max = self.fz.isf(s) if x_max is None else x_max
        x_max = x_min + bs * n

        x_range = x_max - x_min
        # discretization step
        bs = x_range / n
        # highest sampling freq for inverting the FT is 1 / bs
        f_max = 1 / bs
        # sample the FT; using real fft, only need half the range
        self._ts = np.linspace(0, 1/2, n // 2 + 1) * f_max
        # apply ft
        self._fourier = self.fourier_transform(self._ts)
        # invert using real IFFT routine
        probs = irfft(self._fourier)
        # roll back to put x_min in the correct spot
        if x_min != 0:
            probs = np.roll(probs, -int(x_min / bs))
        # add index of implied x values
        df = pd.DataFrame({
            'x': np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n, endpoint=False),
            'p': probs}).set_index('x')
        return df

5 More Examples

Because I find Fourier techniques so magical I can’t resist giving more examples. The new lessons are only that the scipy.special implementation of 1F1 is very poor and that fts don’t like discontinuities, see the uniform example, Section 5.5. Otherwise, they all confirm the relationship between the ch f for each distribution and its scipy.stats implementation, and that the algorithm in Section 1 works!

5.1 Binomial

The binomial has two shape parameters.

n, p = 64, .25
fz = ss.binom(n, p)
log2 = 7
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - p + p * np.exp(1j * t)) ** n,
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=0, x_max=0)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 24: Binomial distribution example.

5.2 Normal

The normal has no shape parameters. Scale and location are handled automatically by adjusting the ft.

mu, sigma = 0., 2.
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.exp(-(t**2) / 2),
       fz=ss.norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)
ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=-12., x_max=12.)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 25: Normal distribution example.

5.3 More gamma distribution examples

5.3.1 Shape α=2 with a shift

This example models X100 where X gamma with α=2. Note aliasing on the left as the right tail wraps around.

alpha = 2.
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - 1j * t) ** -alpha,
       fz=ss.gamma(alpha, loc=-100)
ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=-105, bs=1/64)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 26: Gamma distribution with shape equal 2 shifted left by 100.

5.3.2 Shape 3 with shifting and scaling

alpha = 3
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - 1j * t) ** -alpha,
       fz=ss.gamma(alpha, loc=-100, scale=50)
ft_obj.invert(log2=12, x_min=-105, bs=1/8)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 27: Gamma distribution with shape equal 3 shifted left by 100 and scaled by 50.

5.3.3 Centered gamma

alpha = 100
loc = -100
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - 1j * t) ** -alpha,
       fz=ss.gamma(alpha, loc=loc)
ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=loc, bs=1/4)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 28: Gamma distribution with shape equal 100 centered by shifted left by 100.

5.3.4 Gamma with bad aliasing

This example uses an interval I=[0,P) that is too small to contain the bulk of the support. The problem is that P=nb is too small; this is even a problem if n is very large (with b correspondingly small). The top left plot in Figure 29 show aliasing across the entire range; Figure 30 shows it is largely accounted for by the two translated [P,2P) and [2P,3P).

alpha = 2
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: (1 - 1j * t) ** -alpha,
       fz=ss.gamma(alpha, loc=0)
ft_obj.invert(log2=6, x_min=0, x_max=3)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 29: Gamma distribution with shape equal 2 computed over too thin a range.
ft_obj.plot_wraps([1,2], add_tail=True);
Figure 30: Sources of aliasing for Figure 29.

5.4 Inverse Gaussian

μ = 2.
fz = ss.invgauss(μ, loc=10)
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.exp((1 - np.sqrt(1 - 2 * 1j * μ**2 * t)) / μ),
ft_obj.invert(log2=16, x_min=0, x_max=256)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 31: Inverse Gaussian distribution example.

5.5 Uniform

Figure 32, top left, shows the ft doesn’t like discontinuities. The overshoot is known as Gibbs Phenomenon. It is an unavoidable problem, reflecting the difficulty of approximating a discontinuous function with a series of continuous functions. Note the y axis scale in the first plot!

fz = ss.uniform()
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: -1j * (np.exp(1j * t) - 1),
ft_obj.invert(log2=10, x_min=-1, x_max=2)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
ft_obj.last_fig.axes[1].set(ylim=[1e-10, 1e3]);
Figure 32: Inversion of a uniform distribution with Gibbs ringing in the second plot.

5.6 Beta

The beta distribution turns out to be tricky because there was an error in 1F1 in scipy see Issue #20797. It was fixed in a later release, however, even after fix the new version is not that accurate for complex arguments. To avoid jumps we work with the beta shown in Figure 33, using parameters a=5 and b=12.

a = 5
b = 12
fz = ss.beta(a, b)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(2, 1.75), constrained_layout=True)
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='density', title='Beta(5, 12) density');
Figure 33: Beta density with no jumps at domain endpoints.

The mpmath implementation of the hypergeometric function that is needed for the beta ch f turns out to be more reliable than the scipy.special’s.

from mpmath import hyp1f1
def beta_chf(a, b, t):
    """Compute beta chf at t. Includes the 1j factor."""
    if isinstance(t, (float, int)):
        return complex(hyp1f1(a, a + b, 1j * t))
        return np.array([complex(hyp1f1(a, a + b, 1j * z)) for z in t])

Figure 34 shows the fit.

a = 5.
b = 12.
fz = ss.beta(a, b, loc=0, scale=1)
log2 = 12
print(fz.stats(), a / (a+b))
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: beta_chf(a, b, t),
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=-1.5, x_max=2.5)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
(0.29411764705882354, 0.011534025374855825) 0.29411764705882354
Figure 34: Inverting beta distribution using mpmath to compute the ch f.

5.7 Laplace

The asymmetric Laplace distribution takes κ as shape.

κ = 1.2
fz = ss.laplace_asymmetric(κ)
log2 = 16
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: 1 / ((1 + 1j * t * κ) * ((1 - 1j * t / κ))),
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=-30, x_max=40)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 35: Asymmetric Laplace distribution example.

5.8 Logistic

The logistic distributions has no shape parameters.

fz = ss.logistic(loc=0, scale=1)
log2 = 16
ft_obj = FourierTools(
       chf=lambda t: np.where(t==0, 1, np.pi * t / np.sinh(np.pi * t)),
ft_obj.invert(log2=log2, x_min=-25, x_max=25)
# print(ft_obj.describe())
Figure 36: Logistic distribution example.


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