Drawing with MidJourney

Learning to use MidJoureny effectively.

Stephen J. Mildenhall



Today I visited the King’s Gallery in London to look at the exhibition Drawing the Italian Renaissance, a set of implausibly good drawings by Italian masters, Figure 1. Got me thinking…I should learn to draw in my retirement. Dust off Betty Edwards’ “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” and put in the hours. Then, I looked back through my MidJourney creations since I started (8 Jan, 2023, an early image is the banner). New plan: get really good at “painting with MidJourney”. This post will track that effort.

Figure 1: Francesco Salviati (1510-1563) detail from a drawing for the engraved frontpiece to Antonio Labacco’s treatise on ancient Roman architecture showing the personifications of geometry and architecture. Note the feet and faces on the base.



Prompt Hints
